Vodka "Beluga" Transatlantic Racing, in tube, 0.7 L
Reviews of purchase "Beluga" Transatlantic Racing, in tube, 0.7 L
Tasting Notes
Vodka transparent, crystal-clear color.
The taste of vodka - a thin, soft, enveloping.
The aroma of vodka - fresh, with notes of sea breeze.
Beluga vodka drink in its purest form. It is appropriate to apply to her exquisite delicacies and famous Russian pickles.
Interesting Facts
Beluga Transatlantic Racing - a new trading vodka, launched in October 2011. It "tells" the story of the many victories yacht team "Synergy", first published in the sea under sail Beluga in late 2007. In March 2008, the team took 3rd place in the regatta Acura Miami Grand Prix, and then was the winner in the "Louis Vuitton Trophy, 2008" and "Audi MedCup, 2008". Also, the company has become an official partner of the fastest yacht in the world class - RC44, opened in 2010, "Oracle Cup" in Miami.
"Starting Transatlantic Racing - a momentous event not only for us but also for the whole super-premium vodka market as a whole. With this step we are pushing the boundaries of the segment in which is positioned Beluga, expanding consumer choice, offer him a new taste and new experiences," - says the brand -Director "Beluga" Katerina Zatekin. Vodka "Transatlantic Racing", which expresses the theme of the sea and the desire to win, has a unique mild taste, which is achieved by means of an additional filtration through natural cotton, and fresh "sea" flavor.
Beluga vodka - one of the most successful spirit brands in Russia. This exclusive vodka is produced at the Mariinsky distillery, a subsidiary of "Synergy". Through the efforts of specialists Beluga vodka could be a worthy representative of the Russian alcohol industry abroad. Today it is exported to many European countries, including the UK, Poland, Bulgaria and other countries. This vodka - a truly unique, designer product. Made it in safely in environmentally region of Siberia - Kemerovo region. For hundreds of miles around the production there are no large industrial facilities. This means that the Beluga vodka absorbs all the best that nature can give. Two stages of filtration deliver unsurpassed purity of flavor vodka. In addition, after each stage of the production of vodka is given time to "rest" and "calm." Thus, vodka Beluga «resting" and "infused" to reveal their best qualities.
Producer's description
JSC "Synergy" - one of the leaders of the Russian market of spirits. To date, the company employs more than 8,000 employees, and its products in more than 50 countries. The company owns a number of distilleries in Siberia, the Far East, Central, Volga and North-Western districts. The structure also includes a Synergy PentaAgro company, which is engaged in the production of food and is a partner of world famous brands. Now the company is Synergy 31 positions in the top 50 companies on the rate of the level of development in the Russian Federation.
1998 - the year of establishment of the company. Its founder was Alexander A. Mechetin. Synergy initially positioned itself as a manufacturer in the food industry, and only since 2002 the company has focused on the production of alcoholic beverages. In 2007 Synergy won the title of the first public spirits company. In 2008 began an active export activities to market of Europe, CIS, USA. Today, the company is developing its highly successful brands and enter into business relationships with all new and new partners.
Like any self-respecting and promising company, Synergy aims to take a leading position not only in the Russian market of alcoholic beverages, but also in the international. So, one of the primary goals of the company - brand promotion Beluga (Beluga) on the international market and gain recognition of this product. In addition, Synergy has been actively involved in special projects: the company provides support to one of the Russian sailing projects, which won international status.
Business partners of the company are: Sberbank, VTB Group, MDM-Bank, Renaissance Capital, VSK Insurance House, Russian public organization "Business Russia".